
Welcome to my blog!

Here I will compile all of my research for my academic dissertation.

My chosen subject, like it wasn't already obvious, is metal culture and its themes, identities and its global influences. My aim is to research these aspects of metal culture and produce my own Graphic Design projects that are influenced by this research.

I have chosen this topic due to a personal interest in the subject, and that I would like to know more about the music that has influenced my own lifestyle choices.

Sunday 26 October 2014

What Are You Doing Here? A Black Woman's Life And Liberation In Heavy Metal

An amazing book.
Not only is Laina Dawes a metalhead, but she is also black. She has been questioned, stared at and asked 'What are you doing here?' at metal gigs

"Laina Dawes is not always the only black woman at metal shows, and she's not always the only headbanger among her black female friends. In her first book, the Canadian critic and music fan questions herself, her headbanging heroes and dozens of black punk, metal, and hard rock fans to answer the knee-jerk question she's heard a hundred times in the small clubs where her favourite bands play: "What are you doing here?"."

"“I wanted to find other black women like me: metal, hardcore, and punk fans and musicians that were rabid about the music and culture and adamant about asserting their rightful place as black women within those scenes. I wanted to find other women who put aside the cultural baggage that dictates that we must listen to certain musical styles, and simply enjoy the music that influenced us, not just as black women, but as individuals who grew up in an era when, thanks to technology, a large variety of music is accessible and available to everyone. I found many black women and have shared their stories, but I also realize there is still a lot of work to be done.”—Laina Dawes"

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